Dear Medicare

Dear Medicare,

Do you know why providers don’t want to do business with you? What business has a one hour window that is the “best time” to call each morning? Are you saying you only work one hour of each day? When I call in this one hour window, I still don’t get help. Please help me understand why you would not staff customer service representatives to SERVE your clients all day long. Please help me understand why a minimum 90 minute wait to talk to you is acceptable. Please help me understand why you direct us to your website but the website doesn’t have any information to answer our questions. Please help me understand when the new intermediary took over for the old intermediary why you don’t have access to these files. Please help me understand with the advancement of technology and the ability to do so much online why you haven’t adapted to the year 2014. Please help me understand why we still do business with you…OH, I forgot, you don’t want to know.


A Healthcare Consultant that seriously feels she is losing her passion for what she does!!!!!

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